Monday, February 15, 2010

Index Of Admin Boob Do You Support The DEA Practicing Medicine And Locking Up Doctors?

Do you support the DEA practicing medicine and locking up doctors? - index of admin boob

I recently visited your website and noticed they have a section where you actually boast of all the doctors who signed and / or punished ...

I myself have problems with pain, and you go to a pain clinic and the doctors have said, even for me who are afraid, to prescribe medication, "You know that people need," because these people DEA

Some doctors even told me that I should go before them, as for research and what is not

It is when the grandmother can not even her medication for arthritis, because the doctors fear of man


Omar said...

The problem is that the government thinks they know what is in the best interest of all our peoples. A DEA agent did not have a patient that the patient's physician. This will worsen as we progress in implementing the medical care of the government, its unfortunate that people are not aware of when choosing who govern our country. I do not support this idea of personal freedom to believe. The relationship between me and my doctor and my doctor and me.

Nate L said...

Every physician who prescribes controlled substances in the United States has what is a series of DEA, that (their prescription potentially trace) to. I assume that this practice is needed to fight against the diversion of controlled substances, but it is often too far, and yes, medical fears and takes a few patients needed medication.

I see these changes in the situation set to change the ban. Hold your breath.

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